Open Innovation: New Opportunities for Manufacturing Facilities

3/28/23 12:40 PM

Manufacturing facilities have always been at the forefront of innovation. From the invention of the assembly line to the adoption of robotics and automation, the manufacturing industry has continuously evolved to meet changing consumer needs and technological advancements. However, as competition grows, companies are now looking towards new strategies to accelerate innovation and stay ahead of the curve. One such strategy is Open Innovation. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Open Innovation and how it can unlock new opportunities for manufacturing facilities.

What is Open Innovation?

Open Innovation is a business model that encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing between different companies, industries, and even individuals. It involves leveraging external resources to create new ideas, technologies, and products. Unlike traditional innovation, which is usually carried out within a company’s internal R&D department, Open Innovation takes a more holistic approach by involving customers, suppliers, and even competitors in the innovation process.

The concept of Open Innovation was first introduced by Henry Chesbrough in 2003, and since then, it has gained widespread acceptance in the business world. Today, many successful companies, such as Procter & Gamble, IBM, and Google, have embraced Open Innovation as a key driver of their success.

Why Open Innovation is relevant for Manufacturing Facilities?

Manufacturing facilities can benefit greatly from Open Innovation. In today’s highly competitive environment, companies need to constantly innovate to stay relevant and meet customer demands. However, innovation can be costly and time-consuming, especially if it is done entirely in-house. By embracing Open Innovation, manufacturing facilities can tap into a broader range of expertise, technologies, and ideas that are not available within their own organizations. This can help to reduce costs, accelerate innovation, and bring new products and services to market faster.

Open Innovation also allows manufacturing facilities to expand their network of partners and collaborators. By working with external partners, companies can gain access to new markets, customers, and resources. This can help to diversify their business and reduce their dependence on a single market or product.

How to implement Open Innovation in a Manufacturing Facility?

Implementing Open Innovation in a manufacturing facility requires a cultural shift. It requires companies to move away from the traditional ‘closed’ R&D model towards a more open and collaborative approach. Here are some steps that manufacturing facilities can take to implement Open Innovation successfully:

1. Develop an Open Innovation Strategy: The first step in implementing Open Innovation is to develop a clear strategy that outlines the goals, scope, and approach of the program. The strategy should include a roadmap for engaging external partners, identifying key areas of innovation, and evaluating the success of the program.

2. Identify Key Areas of Innovation: The next step is to identify the key areas of innovation that the company wants to focus on. This can be done by analyzing market trends, customer needs, and internal R&D priorities. Once the key areas of innovation have been identified, the company can then start to look for external partners who have expertise in these areas.

3. Engage External Partners: Engaging external partners is a critical component of Open Innovation. This can be done through partnerships, collaborations, or even crowdsourcing. Companies can leverage platforms such as InnoCentive or Kaggle to connect with external experts and innovators.

4. Establish Clear Intellectual Property Policies: Open Innovation involves sharing knowledge and ideas with external partners. It is therefore important to establish clear policies around intellectual property rights and confidentiality. This can help to protect the company’s intellectual property while also enabling collaboration and knowledge sharing.

5. Evaluate and Measure Success: Finally, it is important to evaluate and measure the success of the Open Innovation program. This can be done by setting clear metrics and KPIs, such as the number of new ideas generated, time to market, and revenue generated from new products.


Open Innovation can be a powerful tool for manufacturing facilities looking to unlock new opportunities for growth and success. By leveraging the knowledge, expertise, and resources of external partners, including suppliers, customers, and even competitors, manufacturing facilities can develop and commercialize new products and technologies faster and more efficiently than they could on their own. Through open collaboration and a willingness to share ideas and insights, manufacturers can break down traditional barriers and create new, innovative solutions that drive business growth and competitiveness in an increasingly dynamic global market.

Topics: manufacturing, opportunity, collaboration, strategic goals, manufacturing planning and control, strategies


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