Production Management Simulation Software for Operations Management

10/8/21 10:30 AM

One of the first steps in planning a manufacturing or production operation is finding the most sensible and efficient layout and equipment possible per your budget. Without a simulation or proper modeling, the startup can be a blind trial by fire where choosing a suitable system may seem like a virtual guessing game. However, as technology has advanced, simulations and modeling have allowed production facilities to formally enable a pre-flight test of flow attributes that operations managers consider most vital.

production management software for operation managers Production Management Simulation Software for Operation Managers 

With production simulations, creating a computerized model of a manufacturing system is becoming essential for manufacturing operations to become successful. Simulations account for various attributes such as capital investments and performance. For example, with capital investments, the tool utilizes the data at hand and analyzes its effects on capital attributes such as warehouses, equipment, factories, etc. These help production facilities lower investment risk and further enable them to save money and focus on needed places.

Simulations also can present performance models, which give a variety of options and alternatives to an operation. Simulation software can supply foresight into an implemented or planned addition or modification that is to be implemented, providing an overall, upfront analysis of the system's performance. KPIs are used for baseline metrics in simulation and modeling scenarios. production management softwareUsing KPIs allows for a comparison of performance expectations against the options and alternatives available. Also, it lends well to decision-making and problem-solving in finding the most beneficial solution to the operation. With performance and investment being the structural components of simulations, production facilities are easily able to weigh out the pros and cons of plant layout and the various systems already implemented or to be implemented.

Along with the perks of locating performance enhancement scenarios, a proper simulation can result in bottleneck reduction or elimination, management of financial risks, and a foretelling of the total measurement of the impact that a newly-configured production line can yield. Attainable measurements generally include the following:

  • Percentage equipment/labor utilization
  • Process time of materials
  • Transportation times
  • Inventory Increase
  • Delivery time

As these measurements show the system's overall performance, productions facilities will be able to locate areas that experience low productivity and further enhance overall production throughout the operation.

APS Plant Simulations for Planning & Scheduling Needs

Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems allow for simulations to be created within the software. The generation of different schedules and "what-if scenarios" will simulate what needs to be done in case of mishaps such as mechanical failures or staff shortages. Instead of having management utilize their time trying to solve a problem, APS can already account for it. As production facilities around the globe are implementing APS, this system is becoming the solution for minimizing waste, enhancing throughput, and optimizing production.

Related "What-If Scenario" Video 

 APS Resources

Topics: Implementation, Factory Scheduling, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Industry, management, production planning, superplant, ERP, APS, MRP, global plants, plant simulation


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