Digital Transformation Equals Sustainable Manufacturing

7/7/22 2:30 PM


Manufacturers all over the world are embracing what it means to go green with sustainable technology. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has announced that current environmental preservation initiatives are not enough to make up for the damage caused by humans. Studies show that the manufacturing supply chains are among biggest carbon emitters in the world. The time has come to take action. Many manufacturing companies want to make changes for a cleaner environment but don't know how to handle such an overwhelming task.

How do you balance care for the environment with the demands from commercial manufacturing? Commercial manufacturing doesn't need to be at odds with the environment. Automizing your manufacturing processes with software like PlanetTogether is not only the best way to optimize your business, but the best step you can take to striking this difficult balance. 

Organizations just like yours are harnessing control over their supply chain emmissions with the advancements made in software and artificial intelligence. PlanetTogether is one of the companies leading this new initiative.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) System

An APS system is a planning and scheduling system by which raw materials and production capacity are optimally allocated to meet demand. It allows for simultaneous planning and scheduling of your production based on available material, labor, machines, constraints, capacity, and other sequence-dependent setups. The result is a feasible plan that is optimized for your KPIs of interest that is created in a matter of seconds. 

Advanced Planning and Scheduling software have become a must for modern-day manufacturing operations as customer demand for increased product assortment, fast delivery, and downward cost pressures become prevalent. These systems help planners save time while providing greater agility in updating ever-changing priorities, production schedules, and inventory plans. APS Systems can be quickly integrated with an ERP/MRP software to fill the gaps where these systems lack planning and scheduling flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency.

With APS you can:

  • Create optimized schedules that balance production efficiency and delivery performance
  • Maximize throughput on bottleneck resources to increase revenue
  • Synchronize supply with demand to reduce inventories
  • Provide company-wide visibility to resource capacity
  • Enable scenario data-driven decision making

The implementation of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Software will take your manufacturing operations to the next level of production efficiency by taking advantage of the operational data you already possess in your ERP system. APS is a step in the right direction of efficiency and lean manufacturing production enhancement. Try out a free trial or demo!

Topics: IoT, manufacturing technology, Production Scheduling Software, Sustainability, environmental


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