4 Methods to Improve Processes Through Project Management and Lean Methodology

7/20/22 2:22 PM

Lean manufacturing is one of the most well-known methodologies within the manufacturing industry. It is one of the most important concepts to understand in order to eliminate waste, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and better align with the needs of customers. What customers value is by far the most substantial concern within lean manufacturing and in order to implement lean - you have to begin by thinking about your operation in a lean manner. 


The main challenge within lean manufacturing is that no matter how many executives wish to cut costs and increase overall productivity, lean processes don’t just happen overnight. There are a variety of obstacles along the way when attempting to implement lean within project management. Even though lean projects have similar obstacles along the way, many individuals waste time on debating on whether or not lean and project management can work together. The truth is quite the opposite and many projects can incorporate lean within their overall process. In order to adequately aid in incorporation of lean manufacturing, there are four methods to focus on to aid with this. 

Four Methods to Improve Processes 

The four methods in order to improve processes within project management utilizing lean pertain to the following: 

  • Focus on the Customer - The main focus within lean pertains to the focus on the customer. Instead of attempting to create an elaborate system that figures out demand, the idea is to locate a direct route to the customer and pull demand. Therefore the customer doesn’t necessarily mean it is the end-user customer, rather than the next person that will receive your work. Your customer will also be the person on the line if you’re a support role to the line. Therefore, focusing on the customer can flip thinking upside down. 
  • Focus on Value - Another main aspect within lean thinking pertains to the focus on value. Anything that is considered wasteful is a factor that should be eliminated. Instead of getting caught up in the minor details in non-value added yet wildly popular fads of the time, the idea is to focus on what will create value. Project management should also utilize this method. In project management, the key is to focus on the critical path, in which the critical path will align with those tasks providing value that will add up and achieve your end objective. 
  • Being Agile - Agile is extremely important within the intersection of lean and project management. Agile approach allows you to break down lengthier projects with complex components into reasonable chunks. Agile will yield a quicker process as you will gain rapid feedback on the first chunk of work as opposed to waiting to the very end and making complicated changes to the finished product. Agile enables you to incorporate continuous feedback into each chunk of work so that you continually improve the process as you go along.  
  • Providing Visibility - Lean manufacturing is known for enabling thorough visibility within an operation. This is due to the overall outlook on the operation and utilizing value stream mapping to locate areas within the operation that consumers find to be “non-valuable”. Project management is similar in the sense that it needs thorough visibility and a clear objective to establish objectives that can be completed within a certain frame of time. This is supported through a project management tool with visibility into the schedule. The overall result is a clear picture of a simple timeline with critical milestones in weekly or monthly buckets and shows progress visually. 

Lean methodology and project management can be implemented together in order to improve processes within the operation. Lean and project management can also be enhanced greatly through implementation of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) Software. With utilization of this software, APS can easily take your operation to the next level in terms of efficiency and waste elimination. Waste elimination is by far one of the most important components within any operation that is seeking to reduce costs and increase profitability. Therefore, utilization of APS software will be enabled thorough visibility, cost reduction, and profit increase through a visual scheduling process. APS software is being implemented into manufacturing operations around the globe that are in need of efficiency enhancement. 

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Software 

Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software has become a must for modern-day manufacturing operations due to customer demand for increased product mix and fast delivery combined with downward cost pressures. APS can be quickly integrated with a ERP/MRP software to fill gaps where these system lack planning and scheduling flexibility and accuracy. Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) helps planners save time while providing greater agility in updating ever-changing priorities, production schedules, and inventory plans.

  • Create optimized schedules balancing production efficiency and delivery performance
  • Maximize output on bottleneck resources to increase revenue
  • Synchronize supply with demand to reduce inventories
  • Provide company-wide visibility to capacity
  • Enable scenario data-driven decision making

Implementation of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software will take your manufacturing operations to the next level of production efficiency, taking advantage of the operational data you already have in your ERP.

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Topics: Lean Manufacturing, project management


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