5 Tips for Building a Resilient Procurement Function in a Volatile Environment

4/20/23 10:55 AM

Manufacturing facilities need to adopt proactive procurement strategies that enable them to respond quickly to changes in the market and maintain a competitive edge. The following are 5 key strategies that manufacturing facilities can use to build a resilient procurement function in a volatile environment.

1. Build a Robust Supplier Network

A strong supplier network is essential for managing procurement in a volatile environment. Manufacturing facilities should identify and cultivate relationships with multiple suppliers for critical materials and services to mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions. Additionally, facilities should regularly evaluate their suppliers' performance to ensure they meet quality standards and provide competitive pricing.

2. Invest in Data Analytics

In a volatile environment, accurate and timely data is essential for making informed procurement decisions. Manufacturing facilities should invest in data analytics tools to track market trends, identify risks, and forecast demand. This can help facilities make proactive decisions about procurement, such as adjusting inventory levels or negotiating contracts with suppliers.

3. Establish Contingency Plans

To mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions, manufacturing facilities should establish contingency plans for critical materials and services. This can include identifying alternative suppliers or building inventory buffers for critical materials. Additionally, facilities should regularly review and update their contingency plans to ensure they remain effective in a rapidly changing environment.

4. Embrace Digitalization

Digitalization can play a critical role in building a resilient procurement function. Manufacturing facilities should adopt digital procurement tools, such as e-sourcing, e-procurement, and contract management software, to streamline procurement processes, improve supplier collaboration, and enhance transparency.

5. Foster a Culture of Agility

In a volatile environment, agility is critical for procurement success. Manufacturing facilities should foster a culture of agility by empowering employees to make quick decisions, encouraging cross-functional collaboration, and embracing innovation. This can help facilities respond quickly to changes in the market and maintain a competitive edge.


Building a resilient procurement function is crucial for manufacturing facilities to survive in a volatile environment. By implementing the five key strategies discussed, manufacturing facilities can strengthen their procurement function and adapt to changes in the market. With a resilient procurement function in place, facilities can better manage supply chain disruptions, mitigate risks, and maintain continuity in operations, ultimately leading to long-term success.

Topics: agility, digital initiatives, Supplier Management, Supply Chain Management, Analyze Data, Supplier Network, Contingency Plans


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