Cybersecurity Concerns in Connected Manufacturing Systems: Safeguarding Your Packaging Facility's Operations

6/29/23 3:43 PM

In today's interconnected world, manufacturing facilities, including packaging manufacturing, are relying on advanced technologies and connected systems to optimize operations, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. The integration between production planning software like PlanetTogether and enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and manufacturing execution systems (MES) such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, Aveva, and others has become crucial for achieving seamless operations. However, with this increased connectivity comes the pressing need to address cybersecurity concerns.

In this blog, we will explore the potential risks and challenges faced by packaging manufacturing facilities and discuss effective strategies to safeguard your operations.

Understanding the Connected Manufacturing Landscape

To effectively tackle cybersecurity concerns, it is essential to understand the landscape of connected manufacturing systems. Packaging manufacturing facilities often rely on a variety of interconnected systems, including ERP, SCM, MES, and specialized production planning software like PlanetTogether. These systems enable real-time data sharing, automated processes, and enhanced visibility throughout the manufacturing lifecycle. However, this increased connectivity also introduces potential vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit.

Identifying Cybersecurity Risks in Connected Manufacturing Systems

Data Breaches: One of the most significant concerns in connected manufacturing systems is the risk of data breaches. Packaging facilities deal with sensitive information such as customer data, intellectual property, production schedules, and supply chain details. A breach can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and regulatory non-compliance.

Unauthorized Access: Connected systems create multiple entry points that cybercriminals can exploit to gain unauthorized access. Once inside, they can disrupt operations, manipulate data, or cause equipment malfunction, leading to production downtime and financial losses.

Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware attacks have become increasingly common in recent years. Manufacturing facilities are not immune to these threats. A successful ransomware attack can result in the encryption of critical systems and data, demanding a ransom for their release.

Supply Chain Attacks: As packaging manufacturing facilities rely on complex supply chains, they become potential targets for cyberattacks. Malicious actors may compromise a supplier's systems or introduce malware into the supply chain, leading to further exploitation within the facility.

Strategies to Enhance Cybersecurity in Connected Manufacturing Systems

Implement a Robust Security Framework: Begin by establishing a comprehensive security framework that encompasses people, processes, and technology. This should include regular risk assessments, policies and procedures, access controls, and incident response plans.

Secure Network Infrastructure: Secure your network infrastructure by implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to encrypt communication between connected systems. Segment your network to limit access to critical systems and implement strong authentication mechanisms.

Regular Software Updates and Patch Management: Ensure all software, including ERP, SCM, MES, and production planning systems, is up to date with the latest security patches. Regularly review and apply updates provided by software vendors to address known vulnerabilities.

Employee Awareness and Training: Educate your employees about cybersecurity best practices, including password hygiene, recognizing phishing attempts, and avoiding suspicious downloads. Conduct regular training sessions and promote a culture of security awareness throughout the organization.

Vendor Management and Due Diligence: When integrating PlanetTogether or other software systems with ERP, SCM, and MES platforms, perform thorough due diligence on vendors' cybersecurity practices. Ensure they adhere to industry standards, have a robust incident response plan, and regularly update their software with security patches.

Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response: Implement real-time monitoring systems to detect potential threats and anomalies within your manufacturing environment. Establish an incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a cybersecurity incident, including containment, investigation, recovery, and communication.

Collaboration and Industry Standards

Addressing cybersecurity concerns in connected manufacturing systems requires collaboration between manufacturers, software vendors, and industry associations. Encourage open dialogue with software vendors, participate in industry forums, and stay up to date with evolving security standards and best practices.


Connected manufacturing systems offer tremendous benefits to packaging manufacturing facilities, but they also expose them to cybersecurity risks. By understanding the risks, implementing robust security measures, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, operations directors can protect their facilities from potential threats. By integrating solutions like PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems securely, packaging manufacturers can achieve the full potential of connected manufacturing while safeguarding their operations for the future.

Topics: PlanetTogether Software, Integrating PlanetTogether, Implement a Robust Security Framework, Secure Network Infrastructure, Employee Awareness and Training, Regular Software Updates and Patch Management, Vendor Management and Due Diligence, Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response


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