Enhancing Industrial Manufacturing: Production Planning for Customized Products with PlanetTogether and ERP Integration

12/29/23 1:20 PM

In industrial manufacturing, the demand for customized products is on the rise. As a Production Scheduler, you understand the challenges of balancing customer preferences with efficient production processes.

This blog aims to explore the intricacies of Production Planning for Customized Products, highlighting the pivotal role of advanced planning tools like PlanetTogether and their integration with leading ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, Aveva, and other SCM and MES platforms.

The Shift Towards Customization

Gone are the days when mass production ruled the manufacturing world. Today, consumers crave personalized products that cater to their unique needs and preferences. This shift towards customization brings both opportunities and challenges for production schedulers like yourself.

Opportunities in Customization

Customer Satisfaction: Offering customized products enhances customer satisfaction, leading to brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Market Differentiation: Customization allows manufacturers to stand out in a crowded market, attracting a diverse range of customers.

Optimized Inventory: Production planning for customized products enables better inventory management by reducing the need for excessive stockpiles of standardized items.

Challenges in Customization

Complexity in Planning: Customized products introduce complexity into the production planning process, requiring careful consideration of various factors such as order specifications, lead times, and resource availability.

Variable Demand: Unlike mass-produced goods with predictable demand, customized products often exhibit fluctuating demand patterns, making it challenging to forecast accurately.

Production Delays: Without a streamlined production planning process, the risk of delays and bottlenecks increases, impacting delivery timelines and customer satisfaction.

PlanetTogether: A Game-Changer in Production Scheduling

In the quest for efficient production planning for customized products, advanced planning and scheduling (APS) tools have become indispensable. Among these, PlanetTogether has emerged as a powerful solution for production schedulers seeking to navigate the complexities of customization.

Key Features of PlanetTogether

Advanced Planning Algorithms: PlanetTogether employs sophisticated algorithms to optimize production schedules, considering various constraints and variables associated with customized products.

Real-Time Visibility: The tool provides real-time visibility into production processes, allowing schedulers to make informed decisions and quickly adapt to changes.

Scenario Analysis: PlanetTogether enables schedulers to conduct scenario analysis, simulating different production scenarios to identify the most efficient and cost-effective options.

Collaborative Planning: The platform facilitates collaboration among different departments, ensuring seamless communication and coordination throughout the production process.

Integration with ERP Systems: Enhancing Efficiency

While advanced planning tools like PlanetTogether offer unparalleled capabilities in production scheduling, their integration with ERP systems takes efficiency to the next level. Here, we explore how the integration of PlanetTogether with leading ERP systems transforms the production planning landscape.

SAP Integration

Unified Data Flow: The integration with SAP ensures a seamless flow of data between production scheduling and enterprise resource planning, allowing for a unified and synchronized approach.

Real-Time Updates: Schedulers can leverage real-time updates from SAP, incorporating the latest information on inventory levels, order statuses, and resource availability into the production schedule.

Optimized Resource Utilization: The combined power of PlanetTogether and SAP leads to optimized resource utilization, minimizing idle time and maximizing production efficiency.

Oracle Integration

End-to-End Visibility: The integration with Oracle ERP provides end-to-end visibility into the production process, from order initiation to delivery, enabling better decision-making.

Streamlined Order Fulfillment: Schedulers can streamline order fulfillment by leveraging Oracle's order management capabilities in tandem with PlanetTogether's advanced planning algorithms.

Cost Optimization: Oracle's financial modules, integrated with PlanetTogether, enable cost optimization by aligning production schedules with budgetary constraints.

Microsoft Integration

Collaborative Work Environment: The integration with Microsoft ERP ensures a collaborative work environment, with seamless communication and data sharing between different teams.

Flexible Deployment: Schedulers can benefit from the flexibility of deployment options, choosing between on-premises or cloud-based solutions to meet the specific needs of their manufacturing facility.

Data Security: Microsoft's robust security features, integrated with PlanetTogether, ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive production data.

Kinaxis Integration

Integrated Supply Chain Planning: Kinaxis integration enhances supply chain visibility, enabling schedulers to align production plans with the broader supply chain strategy.

Rapid Response to Changes: The combination of Kinaxis and PlanetTogether allows for rapid response to changes in demand, supply, or production constraints, minimizing disruptions.

Continuous Improvement: Kinaxis's analytics capabilities, when integrated with PlanetTogether, support continuous improvement initiatives by providing insights into production performance.

Aveva Integration

Unified Manufacturing Platform: Integration with Aveva creates a unified manufacturing platform, bringing together planning, execution, and monitoring under one umbrella.

Quality Control Integration: Aveva's quality control features, when integrated with PlanetTogether, ensure that customized products meet the highest quality standards.

Real-Time Production Monitoring: Schedulers can leverage real-time production monitoring capabilities from Aveva to track the progress of customized orders and identify potential issues.

Other ERP, SCM, and MES Integrations

Beyond the mentioned ERP systems, the flexibility of PlanetTogether extends to integration with a wide array of SCM (Supply Chain Management) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) platforms. This adaptability ensures that production schedulers can tailor their integration strategy based on the specific requirements of their manufacturing environment.

SCM Integration

Supply Chain Visibility: Integration with SCM systems enhances end-to-end supply chain visibility, allowing schedulers to align production plans with supply chain dynamics.

Demand Forecasting: SCM integration facilitates better demand forecasting, enabling proactive production planning for customized products based on anticipated market trends.

Supplier Collaboration: Schedulers can collaborate with suppliers more effectively, ensuring a timely and seamless flow of materials for customized orders.

MES Integration

Shop Floor Integration: MES integration with PlanetTogether ensures a direct connection between production scheduling and shop floor operations, minimizing delays and communication gaps.

Quality Management: MES systems contribute to quality management by providing real-time insights into production processes, aiding in the identification and resolution of quality issues.

Performance Monitoring: Schedulers can leverage MES data for performance monitoring, enabling continuous improvement initiatives and the optimization of production schedules.

Best Practices for Production Schedulers

Continuous Training and Skill Development

  • Stay updated on the latest features and updates of PlanetTogether and the integrated ERP system.
  • Invest in training programs to enhance your skills in production planning and scheduling.

Collaborate Across Departments

  • Foster collaboration with teams involved in sales, marketing, production, and logistics to ensure a holistic approach to customized product manufacturing.
  • Use the collaborative features of integrated ERP systems to streamline communication and information sharing.

Regular System Audits and Maintenance

  • Conduct regular audits of the integrated system to identify and address any potential issues.
  • Stay proactive in system maintenance to ensure optimal performance and prevent disruptions.

Data Analytics for Continuous Improvement

  • Leverage the analytics capabilities of integrated systems to gather insights into production performance.
  • Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement and implement continuous improvement initiatives.


In the evolving landscape of industrial manufacturing, the production of customized products presents both challenges and opportunities. As a Production Scheduler, embracing advanced planning tools like PlanetTogether, coupled with seamless integration with ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, Aveva, and other SCM and MES platforms, is crucial for navigating the complexities of customization.

By leveraging the powerful features of PlanetTogether and the rich functionalities of integrated ERP systems, production schedulers can optimize production schedules, enhance resource utilization, and ensure the timely delivery of customized products. The flexibility of integration with various ERP, SCM, and MES platforms empowers schedulers to tailor their approach based on the unique needs of their manufacturing facility.

As you embark on the journey of production planning for customized products, remember that the key lies in a harmonious integration of cutting-edge technologies and collaborative efforts across departments. Stay informed, embrace continuous improvement, and lead the way in revolutionizing industrial manufacturing through efficient and agile production scheduling.

Topics: PlanetTogether Software, Integrating PlanetTogether, End-to-End Visibility, Shop Floor Integration, Supply Chain Visibility, Collaborative Work Environment, Integrated Supply Chain Planning, Unified Data Flow, Unified Manufacturing Platform


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