Exploring some of the Key Benefits of Using PlanetTogether and How it can Help you Optimize your Supply Chain Management

5/11/23 3:20 PM

As a supply chain manager in a packaging manufacturing facility, you are constantly striving to streamline your production processes, minimize costs, and deliver quality products to your customers on time. To achieve these goals, you need a powerful tool that can help you optimize your supply chain management: advanced planning and scheduling (APS) software.

APS software is designed to help you plan and schedule production operations in a more efficient manner. It uses algorithms and mathematical models to optimize production plans, taking into account factors such as capacity constraints, lead times, and inventory levels. With APS software, you can create a detailed production plan that takes into account all of your resources, including labor, machines, and materials, to ensure that you can meet customer demand while minimizing costs.

One of the most popular APS software solutions on the market today is PlanetTogether. This software has been designed specifically for manufacturing facilities and provides a range of advanced planning and scheduling features that can help you optimize your supply chain management. PlanetTogether can be integrated with a range of ERP, SCM, and MES systems, including SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, Aveva, and many others. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key benefits of using PlanetTogether and how it can help you optimize your supply chain management.

Benefits of Using PlanetTogether

PlanetTogether APS (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) is a software solution designed to optimize production planning and scheduling processes in packaging industries. There are several benefits to using PlanetTogether APS:

  • Improved Production Planning

One of the primary benefits of using PlanetTogether is improved production planning. The software uses sophisticated algorithms to optimize your production schedule, taking into account capacity constraints, lead times, and other factors. This ensures that you can meet customer demand while minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency.

  • Increased Visibility

PlanetTogether provides real-time visibility into your production operations. This means that you can monitor your production progress and identify potential issues before they become major problems. This increased visibility can help you make more informed decisions about your production processes and improve your overall efficiency.

  • Reduced Costs

By optimizing your production schedule, PlanetTogether can help you reduce your costs. The software can identify opportunities to reduce waste, minimize setup times, and optimize resource utilization, all of which can help you save money and improve your bottom line.

  • Enhanced Flexibility

With PlanetTogether, you can create a production schedule that is highly flexible and adaptable. The software can help you adjust your production plans in real-time to respond to changes in customer demand or unexpected production issues. This increased flexibility can help you improve your responsiveness to customer needs and ensure that you can meet your production targets.

Benefits of Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems

Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, Aveva, and others brings additional benefits. Here are some additional benefits of integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems and others: 

  • Streamlined Data Flow

By integrating PlanetTogether with your ERP, SCM, and MES systems, you can streamline the flow of data between different systems. This can help you eliminate data silos and ensure that everyone in your organization has access to the most up-to-date information.

  • Improved Accuracy

Integrating PlanetTogether with your other systems can also help you improve the accuracy of your data. By reducing the need for manual data entry and eliminating the risk of data errors, you can ensure that your production plans are based on accurate and reliable data.

  • Increased Efficiency

Integrating PlanetTogether with your other systems can also help you increase your overall efficiency. By automating data transfer between different systems, you can reduce the need for manual intervention and improve your overall productivity.

Things to Consider for the Integration Process

When considering the integration process, it is essential to work closely with your IT team and the software providers involved. Here are some key steps to ensure a successful integration:

  • Define Integration Goals: Clearly identify your integration objectives and what you hope to achieve by integrating PlanetTogether with your ERP, SCM, and MES systems. This will help guide the integration process and set expectations.
  • Assess Compatibility: Evaluate the compatibility between PlanetTogether and your existing systems. Consult with the software providers to ensure seamless integration and determine any potential challenges or requirements.
  • Plan Data Mapping: Map out the data fields and structures between PlanetTogether and your ERP, SCM, and MES systems. Identify how the data will flow between the systems and ensure that all necessary information is captured accurately.
  • Establish Data Transfer Mechanisms: Determine the most suitable method for transferring data between systems. This could involve APIs, web services, file transfers, or other integration techniques. Work closely with your IT team and software providers to implement the chosen mechanism effectively.
  • Test and Validate: Before fully implementing the integration, conduct thorough testing to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data transfer. Validate that the integration is working as expected and make any necessary adjustments or refinements.
  • Train and Educate Users: Provide comprehensive training to your team members who will be using the integrated systems. Ensure they understand the new processes, workflows, and benefits resulting from the integration. User adoption is crucial for maximizing the benefits of the integrated solution.
  • Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly monitor the integrated systems' performance and evaluate the impact on your supply chain management. Assess key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the integration and identify areas for improvement.


Advanced planning and scheduling software such as PlanetTogether can help you optimize your supply chain management and achieve your production goals. By using sophisticated algorithms and mathematical models, PlanetTogether can help you create a detailed production plan that takes into account all of your resources and constraints. It improves production planning, increases visibility, reduces costs, and enhances flexibility.

Remember, integration is an ongoing process, and it is essential to keep communication channels open between your team, software providers, and IT department. Regularly review the integration's effectiveness and explore opportunities for further optimization or enhancements.

Implementing advanced planning and scheduling software like PlanetTogether can significantly benefit your supply chain management efforts. By integrating it with your ERP, SCM, and MES systems, you can streamline data flow, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency. Embrace the power of advanced planning and scheduling and take your packaging manufacturing facility to new heights of productivity and profitability.

Topics: Advanced Planning and Scheduling, production planning, Implementation, APS, ERP, agility, SAP, flexibility, Visibility, Real-Time Data, Data Integration, Cost Reduction, Automated Scheduling, Data Accuracy, Kinaxis, ORACLE, Aveva, PlanetTogether Software, Real-Time Scheduling, Real-Time Updates, Scheduling Optimization, Improved Efficiency and Accuracy, MES System


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