How Digitalization is Bridging the Skills Gap in Manufacturing

4/26/23 9:38 AM

The manufacturing industry is facing a significant challenge in the form of a skills shortage. With an aging workforce, increasing competition, and rapid technological advancements, the industry is struggling to find skilled workers to fill job openings. According to a report by Deloitte, the skills gap in manufacturing could result in up to 2.4 million unfilled jobs by 2028 in the United States alone. However, digitalization presents a promising solution to this issue. In this blog, we will explore how digitalization is helping manufacturers fill the skills shortage.

 What is Digitalization?

Digitalization is the process of transforming analog information into digital information. In the context of manufacturing, digitalization involves the use of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and automation to optimize manufacturing processes. Digitalization enables manufacturers to capture and analyze data, streamline operations, and make data-driven decisions.

The Skills Shortage in Manufacturing

The skills shortage in manufacturing is a pressing issue that is affecting the industry's growth and productivity. The manufacturing industry is facing a shortage of workers with skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). According to a study by the Manufacturing Institute, 89% of manufacturing executives report a moderate to severe shortage of skilled workers.

The skills shortage in manufacturing is driven by several factors, including an aging workforce, inadequate training programs, and a negative perception of manufacturing careers among young people. The industry needs to find innovative ways to attract and retain skilled workers to fill the growing number of job openings.

Digitalization and the Skills Shortage

Digitalization is transforming the manufacturing industry by enabling manufacturers to automate processes, reduce labor costs, and improve efficiency. Digital technologies such as AI, machine learning, and robotics are replacing manual labor in many manufacturing processes. This shift towards automation is reducing the industry's dependence on skilled workers and enabling manufacturers to achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

Digitalization is also making manufacturing more accessible to workers without traditional manufacturing skills. Digital technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality are enabling workers to learn new skills in a virtual environment without the need for expensive equipment or materials. This is making it easier for manufacturers to attract and train workers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.

The Benefits of Digitalization for Manufacturers

Digitalization offers several benefits for manufacturers, including:

1. Increased efficiency: Digital technologies such as automation and robotics can perform repetitive tasks more efficiently than human workers.

2. Improved safety: Digital technologies such as sensors and cameras can monitor manufacturing processes and identify potential safety hazards.

3. Greater flexibility: Digital technologies such as 3D printing enable manufacturers to quickly and easily produce custom parts and prototypes.

4. Better decision making: Digital technologies such as AI and machine learning enable manufacturers to analyze data and make data-driven decisions.

The Challenges of Digitalization for Manufacturers

While digitalization offers many benefits for manufacturers, it also presents several challenges, including:

1. Implementation costs: Implementing digital technologies can be expensive, and many small and medium-sized manufacturers may not have the resources to invest in these technologies.

2. Workforce training: Digitalization requires a workforce with digital skills, and many manufacturers may struggle to find and train workers with these skills.

3. Cybersecurity risks: Digital technologies are vulnerable to cyberattacks, and manufacturers need to invest in cybersecurity measures to protect their operations.

Case Studies: How Digitalization is Helping Manufacturers Fill the Skills Shortage

Several manufacturers are using digitalization to overcome the skills shortage and improve their operations. Here are a few examples:


Siemens is using digitalization to optimize its manufacturing processes and reduce its dependence on skilled workers. The company has implemented a digital twin of its production line, which allows it to simulate and optimize its manufacturing processes. This helps Siemens to identify potential issues before they occur, reducing the need for skilled workers to troubleshoot and fix problems on the production line.


BMW is using digitalization to improve the efficiency and productivity of its factories. The company has implemented a range of digital technologies, such as robots and automated guided vehicles (AGVs), to help with tasks that require a high level of precision and accuracy. This allows BMW to reduce its reliance on skilled workers and free up employees to work on tasks that require higher levels of creativity and problem-solving skills.

GE Aviation

GE Aviation is using digitalization to streamline its maintenance processes and reduce downtime. The company has developed a digital maintenance platform that uses sensors to monitor the performance of its engines and other critical components. This allows GE Aviation to predict when maintenance is required, reducing the need for skilled technicians to perform manual inspections and maintenance tasks.


The digitalization of manufacturing processes is proving to be a game-changer for addressing the skills shortage, by enabling manufacturers to reduce their reliance on skilled workers and automate repetitive tasks. By doing so, employees can focus on higher value-added activities that require creativity and problem-solving skills. This shift not only improves productivity and efficiency but also helps to future-proof manufacturing operations in the face of ongoing skills shortages.

Topics: IoT, Automation, AI, IIoT, flexibility, Robotics, Problem-solving, Operational efficiency, Workforce Development, Digital Transformation, Workforce Training, Creativity


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