Reducing Lead Time Variability: Enhancing Production Scheduling with Integrated Solutions

6/19/23 2:19 PM

In medical manufacturing, ensuring efficient production scheduling is crucial for meeting customer demands, maintaining high-quality standards, and optimizing resource utilization. One of the key challenges faced by production schedulers is lead time variability, which can negatively impact productivity and customer satisfaction. In this blog, we will explore the significance of lead time variability reduction and how integrating advanced planning and scheduling software, such as PlanetTogether, with popular ERP, SCM, and MES systems like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, and Aveva can drive improvements in production scheduling processes.

Understanding Lead Time Variability

Lead time refers to the duration between placing an order and receiving the finished product. Variability in lead times arises due to several factors, such as unforeseen machine breakdowns, supply chain disruptions, fluctuating demand patterns, and inefficient scheduling practices. High lead time variability can lead to delays, increased inventory levels, missed delivery deadlines, and ultimately, dissatisfied customers. Therefore, reducing lead time variability is essential for achieving operational excellence and gaining a competitive edge in the medical manufacturing industry.

The Role of Production Schedulers

Production schedulers play a vital role in managing and optimizing the manufacturing process. They are responsible for creating schedules that align with production capacities, prioritize orders, minimize idle time, and ensure efficient resource allocation. However, with the growing complexity of production environments and dynamic market conditions, manual scheduling processes often fall short in addressing lead time variability effectively. This is where integrated solutions come into play.

Integration between PlanetTogether and ERP, SCM, and MES Systems

To address lead time variability and enhance production scheduling efficiency, integration between advanced planning and scheduling software like PlanetTogether and existing ERP, SCM, and MES systems is a must. Let's take a closer look at the benefits such integration brings:

Real-Time Data Visibility: By integrating PlanetTogether with ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, or Microsoft, production schedulers gain real-time visibility into various operational aspects, including inventory levels, demand forecasts, production capacities, and resource availability. This enables them to make informed decisions and adjust schedules dynamically based on the most up-to-date information.

Improved Demand Planning: Integrated solutions empower production schedulers with accurate demand forecasting capabilities. With the integration of SCM systems, such as Kinaxis, they can leverage historical data, market trends, and customer insights to predict demand patterns more effectively. This allows for better anticipation of order volumes, resulting in improved scheduling accuracy and reduced lead time variability.

Enhanced Resource Utilization: MES systems like Aveva enable integration of production floor data, providing real-time insights into machine utilization, downtime, and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). This information, combined with PlanetTogether's scheduling algorithms, allows production schedulers to optimize resource allocation, minimize bottlenecks, and maximize productivity, thus reducing lead time variability.

Streamlined Order Management: Integration between scheduling software and ERP systems streamlines order management processes, automating order prioritization and allocation. This eliminates manual errors, reduces lead times, and improves order fulfillment rates, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.

Adaptive Scheduling: Integrated solutions facilitate dynamic scheduling, allowing production schedulers to respond quickly to unforeseen events, such as supply chain disruptions or machine breakdowns. With real-time data from various systems, they can adjust schedules on the fly, allocate alternative resources, and minimize the impact on lead times and customer commitments


Reducing lead time variability is crucial for medical manufacturing facilities to thrive in a highly competitive market. Integrated solutions that combine advanced planning and scheduling software like PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems offer immense potential for production schedulers to tackle this challenge effectively. By leveraging real-time data, accurate demand forecasting, improved resource utilization, streamlined order management, and adaptive scheduling, production schedulers can optimize production processes, minimize lead time variability, and ensure customer satisfaction. Embracing integration between these systems is a progressive step towards achieving operational excellence in the medical manufacturing industry.

Topics: PlanetTogether Software, Integrating PlanetTogether, Streamlined Order Management, Enhanced Resource Utilization-, Adaptive Scheduling, Improved demand planning, Real-Time Data Visibility, Minimize Lead Time Variability


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