Resource Leveling Strategies to Minimize Underutilization in Packaging Manufacturing: Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES Systems

8/16/23 10:22 AM

The efficient utilization of resources is vital for maintaining competitiveness and profitability in packaging manufacturing. Production Schedulers play a pivotal role in orchestrating the allocation of resources to meet production demands while minimizing wastage and underutilization.

In this blog, we will look into the concept of resource leveling and explore how integrating advanced scheduling tools like PlanetTogether with leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, and Aveva can significantly enhance resource management strategies to reduce underutilization.

Understanding Resource Leveling

Resource leveling, also known as resource allocation or load leveling, is the process of optimizing the allocation of resources—such as manpower, machinery, and materials—across different tasks to achieve a balanced production flow. The primary goal is to minimize idle time, overloading, and underutilization, thus enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Challenges in Resource Leveling

Production Schedulers often face a range of challenges when it comes to resource leveling:

Demand Variability: Fluctuations in demand can lead to imbalanced resource allocation, resulting in either underutilization during low-demand periods or overloading during high-demand periods.

Resource Constraints: Limited availability of skilled workers, equipment, and materials can hinder efficient resource allocation.

Scheduling Complexity: Packaging manufacturing involves multiple interdependent tasks, making manual resource leveling intricate and time-consuming.

Real-time Adjustments: Rapid changes in production schedules due to unforeseen circumstances require quick real-time adjustments to maintain resource equilibrium.

Role of Advanced Scheduling Tools

PlanetTogether is a powerful Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software that empowers Production Schedulers to streamline resource allocation. It uses advanced algorithms and optimization techniques to create an optimized production schedule while considering various constraints.

Integration with ERP, SCM, and MES Systems

Integrating PlanetTogether with leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems can provide a holistic approach to resource leveling by leveraging real-time data, streamlining communication, and enhancing decision-making.

SAP: The integration with SAP enables the synchronization of production schedules with demand forecasts and inventory levels, facilitating seamless resource allocation based on accurate data.

Oracle: Combining Oracle's robust data management capabilities with PlanetTogether's scheduling algorithms empowers Schedulers to respond swiftly to changes in demand and resource availability.

Microsoft Dynamics 365: Integration with Microsoft's platform allows for end-to-end visibility, from order placement to production execution, ensuring optimal resource usage.

Kinaxis RapidResponse: This integration provides the ability to perform scenario simulations, allowing Production Schedulers to evaluate the impact of different scheduling decisions on resource utilization.

Aveva MES: Integrating with Aveva MES enhances the connection between production scheduling and execution, reducing the gap between planning and actual resource allocation.

Benefits of Integration

Real-time Insights: Integration enables access to real-time data, empowering Schedulers to make informed decisions and adjustments on the fly.

Improved Accuracy: Automated data exchange between systems minimizes errors and ensures accurate resource allocation.

Flexibility: Integration supports scenario analysis, helping Schedulers evaluate the impact of various decisions on resource utilization.

Reduced Lead Times: Efficient resource leveling reduces idle time and bottlenecks, leading to shorter lead times and improved customer satisfaction.

Best Practices for Effective Resource Leveling

Data Accuracy: Ensure that data across systems is accurate and up-to-date to facilitate informed decision-making.

Collaboration: Foster collaboration between different departments, such as production, logistics, and procurement, to align resource allocation with overall business objectives.

Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor production performance and resource utilization to identify areas for improvement.

Scenario Analysis: Utilize integrated tools to simulate different scenarios and assess their impact on resource utilization.


Resource leveling is an essential strategy in packaging manufacturing for optimizing resource allocation and minimizing underutilization. Integrating advanced scheduling tools like PlanetTogether with leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems amplifies the efficiency of this process, resulting in improved operational performance and reduced wastage.

By adopting best practices and leveraging integrated technologies, Production Schedulers can ensure that their packaging manufacturing facility achieves optimal resource utilization and maintains a competitive edge in the industry.

Topics: flexibility, PlanetTogether Software, Reduced Lead Times, Integrating PlanetTogether, End-to-End Visibility, Improved Accuracy, Efficient Resource Allocation, Synchronization of Production Schedules, Real-Time Insights, Perform Scenario Simulations, Respond Swiftly to Changes in Demand


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