Supply Chain Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Empowering Production Schedulers in Chemical Manufacturing

8/7/23 9:20 AM

Effective production scheduling plays a pivotal role in optimizing resources, reducing lead times, and ensuring smooth operations. However, in today's interconnected global economy, production schedulers face mounting challenges due to the complexity of supply chains and the vast amount of data to manage. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, chemical manufacturing facilities must embrace supply chain collaboration and knowledge sharing practices.

In this blog, we explore how integrating production scheduling systems like PlanetTogether with leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, and Aveva can revolutionize the way production schedulers operate, promoting efficiency, agility, and ultimately, success.

Understanding the Importance of Supply Chain Collaboration

In the chemical manufacturing sector, supply chain collaboration is essential for fostering effective communication and alignment among different stakeholders. This integration enables real-time data exchange, enhances visibility across the supply chain, and promotes better decision-making. For production schedulers, this means access to accurate and up-to-date information on raw material availability, production capacities, and demand fluctuations.

Knowledge Sharing: Unlocking Hidden Potential

Knowledge sharing is the lifeblood of any successful organization. By encouraging a culture of collaboration and information exchange, chemical manufacturing facilities can unlock hidden potential and gain a competitive edge. When production schedulers have access to a broader pool of knowledge and insights from other departments, they can make more informed decisions, optimize scheduling processes, and identify innovative solutions to complex challenges.

The Power of Integration: PlanetTogether and ERP Systems

PlanetTogether is a leading production scheduling software that empowers manufacturers to create efficient and feasible production schedules. Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, or Microsoft brings unprecedented benefits to production schedulers.

Real-Time Data Synchronization: Seamlessly exchanging data between PlanetTogether and ERP systems ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most current information. This integration eliminates discrepancies caused by data silos and enhances decision-making accuracy.

Enhanced Visibility and Transparency: Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP systems provides a comprehensive view of the entire supply chain. Production schedulers can track inventory levels, monitor procurement activities, and respond promptly to changes in customer demands.

Improved Demand Forecasting: With access to historical sales data and customer trends from ERP systems, production schedulers can refine demand forecasting models. Accurate predictions enable better capacity planning and prevent bottlenecks.

Automated Order Processing: By integrating PlanetTogether with ERP systems, production schedules can be automatically converted into work orders. This seamless process streamlines operations and minimizes manual errors.

SCM Integration: Collaborating with Kinaxis and Aveva

Kinaxis and Aveva are prominent Supply Chain Management (SCM) solution providers. Integrating PlanetTogether with these systems further elevates the production scheduling process.

End-to-End Visibility: The integration enables production schedulers to monitor the entire supply chain, from procurement to distribution. This holistic view empowers schedulers to identify inefficiencies and implement corrective actions proactively.

Scenario Simulation: Kinaxis and Aveva's advanced analytics capabilities allow production schedulers to run various what-if scenarios. By simulating different supply chain scenarios, schedulers can assess the impact of potential disruptions and devise robust contingency plans.

Continuous Improvement: Collaborating with SCM systems fosters a continuous improvement mindset. By analyzing supply chain performance metrics, production schedulers can identify areas for optimization and implement strategies to enhance overall efficiency.

 MES Integration: Streamlining the Shop Floor

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are integral to shop floor management. Integrating PlanetTogether with MES systems enhances the execution of production schedules.

Real-Time Production Data: The integration ensures that production schedulers have real-time visibility into shop floor activities. This allows them to monitor progress, identify delays, and adjust schedules accordingly.

Resource Allocation Optimization: With MES integration, production schedulers can optimize resource allocation based on actual machine and labor performance data. This data-driven approach ensures that schedules align with actual shop floor capacities.

Quality Assurance and Compliance: By collaborating with MES systems, production schedulers can ensure adherence to quality standards and regulatory requirements. This integration promotes a culture of compliance and reduces the risk of costly product recalls.

Embracing a Collaborative Culture

Successful integration between PlanetTogether and ERP, SCM, and MES systems is not just a technological endeavor; it also requires a shift in organizational culture. Key stakeholders must be willing to embrace collaboration, share knowledge, and work towards a common goal.

Training and Education: To foster collaboration, facilities should invest in training and education programs. Production schedulers should be encouraged to attend workshops and conferences to expand their knowledge base and network with industry peers.

Cross-Functional Teams: Forming cross-functional teams that include representatives from production, procurement, logistics, and sales can facilitate knowledge sharing and improve communication between different departments.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Encouraging data-driven decision-making processes empowers production schedulers to leverage insights from integrated systems. Regular data reviews and performance analysis sessions can uncover valuable opportunities for improvement.


In chemical manufacturing, supply chain collaboration and knowledge sharing have emerged as critical success factors. By integrating PlanetTogether with leading ERP, SCM, and MES systems, production schedulers can harness the power of real-time data, advanced analytics, and seamless communication. This integration fosters a culture of collaboration and empowers production schedulers to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and adapt quickly to changing market demands.

Embracing these practices will undoubtedly drive productivity, efficiency, and growth in chemical manufacturing facilities, making them more resilient and competitive in the global marketplace.

Topics: PlanetTogether Software, Real-Time Data Synchronization, Integrating PlanetTogether, End-to-End Visibility, Improved Demand Forecasting, Enhanced Visibility and Transparency, Automated Order Processing, Resource Allocation Optimization


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