Sustainable Sourcing and Scheduling for Eco-Friendly Manufacturing in Chemical Facilities

9/6/23 5:10 PM

Chemical manufacturing facilities are under increasing pressure to not only meet production demands but also to do so in an environmentally sustainable manner. With global concerns over climate change and resource depletion, the chemical industry must adapt to eco-friendly practices. This shift towards sustainability involves not only sourcing raw materials responsibly but also optimizing production scheduling to reduce waste, energy consumption, and emissions.

Production schedulers play a pivotal role in this transition. They are responsible for coordinating the production process to ensure efficiency and meet customer demands.

In this blog, we will explore the challenges and opportunities in sustainable sourcing and scheduling within chemical manufacturing facilities, with a special focus on how tools like PlanetTogether can integrate with ERP, SCM, and MES systems such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Kinaxis, and Aveva to facilitate this transition.

The Urgent Need for Sustainable Practices in Chemical Manufacturing

The Environmental Impact of Chemical Manufacturing

Chemical manufacturing has long been associated with environmental concerns due to its resource-intensive nature, use of hazardous materials, and significant carbon emissions. To address these issues, chemical companies are now under increased pressure to adopt more sustainable practices.

The Role of Sustainable Sourcing

Sustainable sourcing involves the responsible procurement of raw materials, chemicals, and ingredients. This includes considering factors such as the environmental impact of extraction or production, fair labor practices, and the overall sustainability of the supply chain.

The Role of the Production Scheduler

What is a Production Scheduler?

Production schedulers are responsible for creating and managing production schedules. They ensure that production processes run smoothly and efficiently, meeting customer demand while minimizing costs and waste.

The Importance of Production Scheduling in Sustainability

Efficient production scheduling can significantly contribute to a company's sustainability goals. By reducing downtime, optimizing equipment utilization, and minimizing waste, production schedulers play a vital role in eco-friendly manufacturing.

Integration Between PlanetTogether and ERP, SCM, and MES Systems

Introduction to PlanetTogether

PlanetTogether is a powerful production scheduling software that offers real-time visibility into manufacturing operations. It allows for better decision-making by providing actionable insights and optimizing production schedules.

Integration with ERP Systems

Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft is crucial for seamless data exchange between production scheduling and other core business processes. This integration ensures that production schedules align with real-time demand, inventory levels, and customer orders.

Integration with SCM Systems

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is essential in ensuring that the right materials are available at the right time. Integrating PlanetTogether with SCM systems helps production schedulers make informed decisions about inventory levels, transportation, and supplier collaboration to support sustainability initiatives.

Integration with MES Systems

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) provide real-time visibility and control over production processes. Integrating PlanetTogether with MES systems allows for synchronization between production schedules and shop floor activities, enabling efficient resource allocation and waste reduction.

Best Practices for Sustainable Scheduling

Demand Forecasting

Accurate demand forecasting is essential for efficient scheduling. By understanding future customer demand, production schedulers can create schedules that reduce overproduction and minimize waste.

Real-Time Data

Access to real-time data from integrated systems is critical. It enables production schedulers to make on-the-fly adjustments to schedules based on changing demand, inventory levels, and machine availability.

Optimization Algorithms

Modern scheduling software, like PlanetTogether, uses advanced algorithms to optimize production schedules. These algorithms consider multiple factors, such as machine capacity, material availability, and production constraints, to create eco-friendly schedules.

Lean Manufacturing Principles

Implementing lean manufacturing principles can significantly reduce waste and improve sustainability. Production schedulers should work with teams to identify and eliminate non-value-added activities.

Overcoming Challenges

Resistance to Change

Change management is often a significant challenge when implementing sustainability-focused scheduling practices. Production schedulers need to lead by example and communicate the benefits of eco-friendly scheduling to their teams.

Data Integration Complexity

Integrating scheduling software with existing ERP, SCM, and MES systems can be complex. Careful planning and collaboration with IT departments are essential to ensure smooth integration.


In the quest for eco-friendly manufacturing, production schedulers are at the forefront of change. Their ability to integrate advanced scheduling software like PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES systems is crucial for achieving sustainability goals. By adopting best practices and overcoming challenges, production schedulers can contribute to a more environmentally responsible and economically viable future for chemical manufacturing.

As chemical facilities continue to evolve, the partnership between production schedulers and technology will be instrumental in shaping a greener, more sustainable industry.

Topics: Demand Forecasting, Real-Time Data, PlanetTogether Software, Managing Inventory Levels, Integrating PlanetTogether, Optimization Algorithms, Aligned Real-Time Demand, Lean Manufacturing Principles, Real-Time Visibility and Control


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