The Importance of Product Life Cycle Management and How it can be Effectively Implemented in Industrial Manufacturing Facilities

4/11/23 12:20 PM

Product life cycle management (PLM) is a crucial aspect of supply chain management that is often overlooked by industrial manufacturing facilities. In today's fast-paced and dynamic business environment, it is essential to understand the product life cycle to remain competitive and sustainable. This blog will explore the importance of product life cycle management and how it can be effectively implemented in industrial manufacturing facilities.

What is Product Life Cycle Management?

Product life cycle management (PLM) is the process of managing a product throughout its entire life cycle, from the initial idea to its disposal. It involves planning, designing, producing, marketing, and disposing of a product in a manner that maximizes its value and minimizes its impact on the environment. The product life cycle consists of four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

Introduction Stage

The introduction stage is when a new product is launched into the market. During this stage, the product may not be profitable, and sales may be low due to limited awareness and distribution. The focus during this stage is on creating brand awareness, generating demand, and developing a strong distribution network.

Growth Stage

In the growth stage, the product gains acceptance in the market, and sales start to increase. The focus during this stage is on expanding the distribution network, increasing production capacity, and improving the product's features and quality to meet customer needs.

Maturity Stage

The maturity stage is the longest stage in the product life cycle. During this stage, sales growth starts to slow down, and the market becomes saturated. The focus during this stage is on maintaining market share, reducing costs, and improving product differentiation to remain competitive.

Decline Stage

The decline stage is the final stage in the product life cycle. During this stage, sales start to decline due to changes in customer needs, technological advancements, or increased competition. The focus during this stage is on minimizing costs and maximizing profits through strategies such as product diversification or market segmentation.

Why is Product Life Cycle Management Important?

Effective product life cycle management is crucial for the long-term success of industrial manufacturing facilities. The following are some of the key reasons why product life cycle management is essential:

1. Maximizing Profits

By understanding the product life cycle, companies can maximize profits by adjusting pricing strategies, reducing costs, and focusing on high-margin products during the maturity stage. Companies can also identify new growth opportunities during the introduction and growth stages by investing in research and development or expanding the product line.

2. Meeting Customer Needs

Product life cycle management allows companies to identify and meet customer needs throughout the product's life cycle. During the introduction stage, companies can gather feedback and make adjustments to the product to meet customer requirements. During the growth stage, companies can improve product features and quality to meet changing customer needs. During the maturity stage, companies can focus on customer retention by providing excellent customer service and enhancing the product's value proposition.

3. Managing Risk

Product life cycle management enables companies to manage risks associated with product development and marketing. By understanding the product life cycle, companies can make informed decisions about product investments, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. This reduces the risk of investing in products that may not be successful or failing to adapt to changing market conditions.

4. Improving Sustainability

Effective product life cycle management can also help companies improve their sustainability by reducing waste, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting responsible disposal. By designing products that are environmentally friendly and promoting sustainable manufacturing practices, companies can improve their reputation and reduce their carbon footprint.

Implementing Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) involves several steps:

In order to implement PLM effectively in an industrial manufacturing facility, the following steps can be taken:

1. Define the product life cycle stages

The first step is to define the stages of the product life cycle, which typically include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

2. Define the PLM strategy

The second step towards effective implementation of PLM is to define the strategy.  

The strategy should include the following:

  • Product development and design
  • Sourcing of raw materials and components
  • Manufacturing and production
  • Quality assurance and testing
  • Marketing and sales
  • Customer service and support

3.  Select the right PLM software

The next step is to select the right PLM software that meets the needs of the manufacturing facility. The software should be capable of managing all aspects of the product lifecycle, including design, engineering, manufacturing, and maintenance.  The software should enable the cross-functional team to collaborate and share information easily. 

4. Create a cross-functional team

Establish a cross-functional team with representatives from different departments such as marketing, product development, manufacturing, quality assurance, and supply chain management. The team should have a clear understanding of the product and its market.  PLM software can also help to automate workflows and ensure that everyone is working from the same set of data.

5. Integrate PLM with other systems

PLM should be integrated with other systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), to ensure seamless flow of information across different departments and processes.

6. Train the workforce

PLM is only as effective as the people who use it. It is important to train the workforce on the use of the PLM software and the processes involved in the product lifecycle.

7. Implement change management

PLM implementation involves changes in processes and workflows. It is important to implement change management practices to ensure that the workforce adapts to the new processes smoothly.

8. Continuously improve the PLM system

PLM is a continuous process. It is important to continuously monitor and improve the PLM system to ensure that it meets the changing needs of the manufacturing facility.

9.Training and education

Train and educate employees on PLM processes and the software. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and can work effectively together.

 10. Standardize processes

Standardizing processes is crucial for effective implementation of PLM. This involves defining standardized processes for product design, development, manufacturing, and maintenance.


Product life cycle management (PLM) is crucial for industrial manufacturing facilities to stay competitive and profitable in today's market. Effective implementation of PLM helps organizations optimize their production processes, reduce costs, improve product quality, and respond quickly to changes in the market.

To implement PLM effectively, organizations should first establish clear goals and objectives for their PLM strategy, and then select appropriate PLM tools and technologies that align with those goals. They should also ensure that all stakeholders are trained on the PLM system and that the system is integrated with other relevant systems within the organization.

By implementing PLM effectively, organizations can streamline their product development processes, reduce time to market, and improve customer satisfaction. Moreover, PLM can help organizations to develop innovative products that meet customer needs, which is essential for achieving success in today's dynamic business environment.

Topics: Implementation, APS, ERP System, PLM, CRM, Sustainability, Industrial Manufacturing, Effectiveness


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